Cosplaying as characters from “A Hat in Time” is a thrilling way to express your fandom. One of the most iconic items for cosplay from this game is the Nyakuza Metro varsity jacket, known for its unique and stylish design. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about cosplaying with this jacket, where to purchase it, and tips for making your own.

Table of contents: 

A Hat in Time Varsity Jacket Cosplay: Complete Guide

What is “A Hat in Time”?

The Nyakuza Metro Varsity Jacket

Where to Buy the Nyakuza Metro Varsity Jacket

Making Your Own Nyakuza Metro Varsity Jacket

Tips for a Successful Cosplay

Additional Cosplay Resources


What is “A Hat in Time”?

“A Hat in Time” is a beloved 3D platformer developed by Gears for Breakfast. The game follows Hat Kid, a young girl traveling through different worlds to collect Time Pieces and return home. The game’s charming art style and memorable characters have made it a popular choice for cosplayers.

The Nyakuza Metro Varsity Jacket

The Nyakuza Metro DLC introduced a stylish varsity jacket that quickly became a fan favorite. This jacket cosplay features bold colors and the distinctive Nyakuza logo, making it an excellent piece for “A Hat in Time” cosplay. Whether you’re aiming to replicate the exact look from the game or put your unique spin on it, this jacket is a must-have for any fan.

Where to Buy the Nyakuza Metro Varsity Jacket

Finding the exact Nyakuza Metro varsity jacket can be a challenge, but here are some options:

  1. Official Merchandise Stores: Check official merchandise outlets for “A Hat in Time” for any available jackets or related items.
  2. Custom Cosplay Shops: Custom cosplay shops often provide high-quality, game-accurate reproductions. Look for shops that specialize in video game apparel.
  3. Online Marketplaces: Websites like Etsy or eBay can have custom-made jackets or second-hand options. Always read reviews and check the seller’s ratings before purchasing.

Making Your Own Nyakuza Metro Varsity Jacket

Creating your own Nyakuza Metro varsity jacket can be a rewarding DIY project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:

  1. Gather Materials: You will need a plain varsity jacket, fabric paint, and a stencil of the Nyakuza logo.
  2. Prepare the Design: Use the stencil to outline the Nyakuza logo on the back of the jacket. You can find or create a stencil using online resources.
  3. Paint the Logo: Carefully paint the logo, ensuring even coverage and clean lines. Fabric paint is recommended for its durability.
  4. Add Details: Once the paint is dry, add any additional elements such as patches, embroidered details, or other decorations to enhance the jacket’s authenticity.

Tips for a Successful Cosplay

Tips for a Successful Cosplay
  • Attention to Detail: The small details can significantly impact the overall look of your cosplay. Focus on replicating accessories and props that match Hat Kid’s attire.
  • Comfort and Mobility: Ensure your jacket fits well and allows for easy movement. Cosplay events often involve a lot of walking and posing, so comfort is key.
  • Exploring Variations: If you can’t find the exact jacket, look for similar styles that can be customized. Varsity jackets with bold designs and logos can serve as an excellent base.

Additional Cosplay Resources

For those looking to explore more options for cosplay jackets, check out the wide range of cosplay jackets available online. These can provide inspiration and options for different characters and styles.


Cosplaying as characters from “A Hat in Time” is a rewarding experience, and the Nyakuza Metro varsity jacket is a key piece that adds authenticity to your costume. Whether you choose to buy a ready-made jacket or create your own, this guide will help you achieve a standout look.

For more ideas and high-quality cosplay jackets, explore different styles and variations to find the perfect fit for your character. Happy cosplaying!

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